Australian regulations - Statistics Australia

Statistics 2009 – Animal use in research and teaching, Australia

These statistics should be used for general purposes only. Western Australia figures are not available for 2009, but going by the last available figure (1,049,379 for WA in 2007), this would bring the total number of animals used to more thanĀ 9.5 million.

2009 Statistics

Type of animals Vic NSW SA Tas Qld ACT WA NT Total
Mouse 467,097 342,241 53,667 7,693 188,897 122,607 n/a 78 993,305
Rat 35,309 41,617 9,526 1,305 15,422 3,440 n/a 91,197
Guinea Pig 1,458 3,423 1,390 261 n/a 6,271
Rabbit 1,314 1,938 559 265 68 n/a 3,879
Other Lab Animals 1,902 496 108 n/a 2,506
Cat 235 973 105 474 8 n/a 1321
Dog 1,941 2,243 295 190 2306 947 n/a 102 5,616
Other Domestic 2,906 51 376 67 n/a 3,333
Sheep 128,863 91,516 127,004 27,816 40,935 38 n/a 6 375,237
Cattle 22,436 64,644 3,000 314 135,908 n/a 82,268 90,394
Pig 5,499 15,103 4,655 9,136 n/a 25,257
Horse/Donkey 877 2,466 66 8 5,963 n/a 30 3,417
Other Stock Animals 970 931 n/a 300 970
Native Mammals 12,932 331,106 6,248 23,594 28,134 785 n/a 2,018 374,665
Exotic ‘feral’ Animals 1,987 38,429 1,634 85 2,686 37 n/a 785 42,172
Primates 186 484 30 58 10 n/a 710
Domestic Fowl 102,411 138,232 7,867 1,559,080 275 n/a 162 248,785
Other Birds 41,330 355,347 7,257 8,980 67,417 2,610 n/a 411 415,524
Reptiles 2,449 14,444 4,866 1,241 32,287 2,036 n/a 5,409 25,036
Fish 1,374,627 51,333 150,705 923,887 520 n/a 63,796 1,577,185
Amphibians 4,288 41,214 653 103 36,030 888 n/a 1,883 47,146
Other Aquatic Animals 44,972 926,918 4,356 1,044 303 n/a 3,544 977,290
Other 57 36 75 12 n/a 105
TOTALS 2,255,076 2,413,891 284,995 223,078 3,050,522 134,281 n/a 160,792 8,522,635

NSW: Unspecified, QLD: Cephalopods

QLD: 9 deer and 922 goats

NSW, QLD, and VIC (Other): Exotic zoo animals

NB: ACT figures are from ANU and CSIRO only.

NB: NT figures are from CDU, CSIRO, DOR, NRETAS, NT Gov, and UQ only.Ā 

Purpose of project Vic NSW SA Tas Qld ACT WA NT Total
Understanding human or animal biology 761,274 161,300 39,072 20,300 497,125 n/a n/a 868 981,946
Maintenance and improvement of human or animal health and welfare 242,132 350,635 40,107 36,777 1,306,386 n/a n/a 54,484 669,651
Improvement of animal management or production 534,177 322,892 9,686 110,029 465,747 n/a n/a 32,666 976,784
Production of biological products 104,126 n/a n/a 104,126
Diagnostic procedures 1,967 n/a n/a 1,967
Achievement of educational objectives 82,936 105,788 177,615 9,098 168,591 n/a n/a 2,498 375,437
Environmental study 634,557 982,458 18,515 46,874 612,690 n/a n/a 68,566 1,682,404
Regulatory product testing 46,177 n/a n/a 46,177
Stock Breeding 63,757 n/a n/a 63,757
Stock Maintenance 274,791 n/a n/a 274,791
Unspecified 134,281 n/a 1,710 134,281
TOTALS 2,255,076 2,413,891 284,995 223,078 3,050,539 134,281 n/a 160,792 8,522,635

n/a – Yet to be received

ACT did not provide a numeric breakdown of purpose of project

Slight discrepancy (of 17) between the QLD total by purpose of project (3,050,539), and the QLD totals by animal type and severity (both 3,050,522).

Severity of procedure Vic NSW SA Tas Qld ACT WA NT Total
Observational studies involving minor interference 658,469 1,190,107 85,215 114,100 1,732,401 n/a n/a 96,380 2,047,891
Animal unconscious without recovery 257,513 306,277 13,891 5,572 458,509 n/a n/a 3,804 583,253
Minor conscious intervention 637,018 548,374 34,787 83,087 674,930 n/a n/a 56,481 1,303,266
Minor operative procedures with recovery 56,031 30,661 118,528 9,744 53,642 n/a n/a 1,257 214,964
Surgery with recovery 30,417 13,426 2,680 121 10,479 n/a n/a 46,644
Minor physiological challenge 59,912 177,767 13,819 2,863 90,969 n/a n/a 160 254,361
Major physiological challenge 555,389 19,127 9,191 6,826 29,022 n/a n/a 590,533
Death as an end point 327 23,813 6,884 765 570 n/a n/a 1788 31,789
Production of genetically modified animals 104,339 n/a n/a 104,339
Unspecified 134,281 n/a 134,281
TOTALS 2,255,076 2,413,891 284,995 223,078 3,050,522 134,281 n/a 159,870 8,521,713

n/a – Yet to be received

ACT did not provide a numeric breakdown of severity of procedure

Slight discrepancy (of 922) between the NT total by severity of procedure (159,870), and the NT totals by animal type and purpose of project (both 160,792).



Department of Primary Industries, Statistics of Animal Use in Research and Teaching Victoria, Report Number 27, 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009.


Animal Research Review Panel NSW, Annual Report 2009-2010, July 2011.


Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Animals Used for Research and Teaching in South Australia 2009, February 2011.


Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Animal Research Statistics Tasmania, Annual Report Number 14 (2009), September 2010.


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry ā€“ Biosecurity Queensland, Use of animals for scientific purposes in Queensland, Statistical report 2009 (Draft), State of Queensland 2012. (Received via RTI application, 2014)


  • On an annual basis, no ACT-wide statistics are compiled. Correspondence from Animal Welfare Policy, AWAC Secretariet, 6 February 2014.
  • Personal correspondence from Executive Officer – Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee, Australian National University, 7 October 2010.
  • Personal correspondence from Manager, Public Affairs and Communication – CSIRO Livestock Industries, 28 October 2010.


No WA-wide statistics are available. Phone conversation with Department of Agriculture and Food, WA, 23 March 2014.


Statistics received via FOI application (2014). Figures provided are compiled from animal use data for CDU, CSIRO, DOR, NRETAS, the NT Government, and the University of Queensland (where research was conducted in the NT).


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