What You Can Do

We can all make a difference just by making simple changes in our daily lives

Animal experimentation is a huge industry. This can seem daunting to those who attempt to disrupt it and provide more human-relevant alternatives to scientific innovation. However, over several decades Animal-Free Science Advocacy (formerly Humane Research Australia) have consistently achieved milestones and wins which have galvanised further action and successes. Read about our recent successes and learn what you can do below. 

Help Animal-Free Science Advocacy’s important work by making a monthly donation via direct debit or credit card. Your donation will help us to run all of our campaigns and actions. This provides us with secure financial support so that we can continue our work. You can do this online.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead

Animal-Free Science Advocacy speaks out against animal experimentation at every opportunity. Visit our Campaigns page to learn of ways to take action on a specific issue. Be sure to view our case studies and take action by contacting the research institutes involved. 

Follow and share our resources on: 

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, and share, share, share! Aside from our website, social media is one of the best ways to keep on top of all our campaigns, events and calls to action.

Animal-Free Science Advocacy has campaigned tirelessly against animal experiments since 1979.

We need the support of our members to continue with our important work – both financially and to help disseminate information about the danger of relying on animal experiments. You can join our growing membership or make a donation online.

Wearing our merchandise is a great way of raising awareness. With so many people being unaware of what happens in animal laboratories simple messages are good to plant seeds of thought and can initiate people wanting to know more and getting involved in our campaigns. Find your style in the Animal-Free Science Advocacy Shop.

HumaneLearning.info provides resources to guide and assist students who wish to conscientiously object to harmful animal use in their education, learn more. 

Whether you want to jump out of a plane, walk a kilometre, or bake 100 vegan cupcakes, you can raise money for Animal-Free Science Advocacy simply by using your favourite pastime to raise much needed funds. 

You might even want to raise funds in lieu of gifts for a celebration, or remember a loved one who cared about animals. There are many ways for you to fundraise for Animal-Free Science Advocacy!

Our events and attendance at expos not only raise awareness of animal experimentation but are also a great way to socialise with and support like-minded people. You can find out what events we will be attending by signing up to our eNews, and you can volunteer at an event near you by contacting us.

When purchasing cosmetics and household products, choose those which have not been tested on animals. Not only will you be withdrawing your financial support from companies which continue to conduct cruel product testing, but you will also be supporting those ethical companies that are proving that it is unnecessary.

For a list of “Preferred Products”, visit the leaping bunny list.

Listen to our podcast episode on Cruelty-Free beauty. 

Similarly, when you make a donation to a health charity, check first whether your money will be likely to go toward medical research on animals. There are medical charities that do not fund animal experiments. By supporting those on the Humane Charities list, you will be redirecting vital funding towards health charities who recognise that real medical progress can only be made through studying our own species and abandoning the use of animal experiments. Check our list of  Humane Charities to discover which do NOT use animals.

Show your commitment to human-relevant research by signing on to contribute to human population medical research studies. See the Join Us registry for more information.

Donating your body to medical science is a unique gift that will help with the advancement of medicine and science in Australia and will benefit generations to come.

This gives an animal who has spent the first part of their life in a research institute a chance at a normal life! Find out more

Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most significant ways to support Animal-Free Science Advocacy in its ongoing campaigns to end animal experimentation in Australia.

Our work depends solely on donations and gifts in Wills in order to be able to oppose animal experimentation and to promote humane and scientifically valid non-animal methods.

Visit our Gifts in Wills page to see how you can help us in this important way.


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