Australian regulations - Statistics Australia

Statistics 2004 – Animal use in research and teaching, Australia

These statistics should be used for general purposes only. ACT and NT figures have not yet been received, but going by the next available figures (91,603 in 2005 for ACT, N/A for NT), this would bring the total number of animals used to more thanĀ 6.5 million.

Note that due to inconsistencies between the different states’ monitoring systems, the table does not reflect the degree of suffering involved nor does it indicate the type of study, eg. observational, medical research, agricultural etc.Ā  Some states do provide greater detail than others.Ā  For more detailed information please refer to the reporting body (usually the State Dept. for Animal Welfare) in each state.

Figures will be updated as they become available.

Type of animal Vic NSW SA WA Qld Tas Total
Mouse 299,683 32,190 47,910 113,962 1,073 494,818
Rat 37,652 10,537 9,936 8,513 1,508 68,146
Guinea Pig 10,129 988 405 187 11,709
Rabbit 3,242 622 145 2,421 6 6,436
Other lab animals 230 173,411 303 173,944
Cat 1,103 146 631 652 2,532
Dog 1,739 54 1,757 3,237 6,787
Other domestic 40 1,702 17 129 1,888
Sheep 37,623 199,172 5,169 27,885 3,383 273,232
Cattle 18,849 511 413 56,459 80 76,312
Pig 19,960 861 1,648 8,860 31,329
Horse/donkey 6,304 320 189 934 7,747
Other stock animals 1,220 761,514 59 125 1,128 764,046
Native mammals 5,933 149,986 4,531 11,265 6,980 1,060 179,755
Exotic ā€˜feral’animals 400 4,703 1,494 2,093 9,843 18,533
Primates 106 314 38 19 477
Domestic fowl 2,231,258 15,207 800 56,148 2,303,413
Other birds 25,130 308,432 14,484 1,503 27,141 5,450 382,140
Reptiles 1,329 9,748 5,686 7,243 6,453 1,530 31,989
Fish 72,615 43,756 82,126 213,808 35,531 447,836
Amphibians 5,740 830 3,947 16,389 46 26,952
Other aquatic animals 1,142,068 190 205 27,901 5,344 1,175,708
Other 5 3141 4 17 109 3,276
Totals 2,780,290 2,555,019 331,979 177,550 589,047 55,120 6,489,005



Summary of Statistics of Animal Experimentation, Victoria. Report Number 2. 1 January, 2004 to 31 December, 2004.


Animal Research Review Panel NSW Annual Report 2003/04.

NSW figures are more general than for other states as they do not specify between different species. They are therefore listed under the following categories:

  • Aquatic vertebratesĀ ā€“ fish, amphibians and other aquatic vertebrates;
  • BirdsĀ ā€“ all birds except poultry;
  • Domestic animalsĀ ā€“ dogs and cats;
  • LaboratoryĀ mammalsĀ ā€“ mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits;
  • NativeĀ mammalsĀ ā€“ macropods, possums/gliders, native rodents; dasyurids, wombats, koalas;
  • PrimatesĀ ā€“ all non-human primates;
  • ReptilesĀ ā€“ all reptiles;
  • StockĀ animalsĀ ā€“ sheep, horses, goats, pigs, cattle, poultry; and
  • OtherĀ ā€“ any not categorized above.


Department for Environment & Heritage – South Australian Government.1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 .


Western Australian animal usage statistics for 2004 , Dept. of Local Government and Regional Development, WA.


2004 Scientific Animal Use Report .1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 . Dept. of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Queensland Government.


Animal Research statistics Tasmania Annual Report , Report Number 8: 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004 . Animal Health and Welfare Branch, Dept. of Primary Industries, Water & Environment.


On an annual basis, no ACT-wide statistics are compiled. Correspondence from Animal Welfare Policy, AWAC Secretariet, 6 February 2014.


Statistics are not yet available. No indication given of when (or if) they will be available. Phone conversation with NT Government 26 June 2014.


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