Image Credit: We Animals Media

Xenotransplantation – Trading in Spare Parts

Xenotransplantation is the removal of organs or living cells from one species for transplant into another. What can you do? Painful experiments on animals Xenotransplantation

Fetal calf serum 2

Use of Fetal Calf Serum

Discover ethical and scientifically-valid animal-free approaches to research in this article. Animal-Free Science Advocacy highlight the cruel practice of using fetal calf serum and also


Say No to Dissection

A growing number of students, teachers, and parents are standing up against dissection, and they have some excellent reasons for doing so. It’s time to

What do experts say about primate experiments?
Insights & opinions

Experts’ Views on Primate Research

Learn what highly-esteemed global experts in the fields of neuroscience, animal welfare, conservation, primatology and pharmacology have to say about primate experiments. These eminent experts


Ending Primate Experiments

Every year, hundreds of primates are confined to laboratories across Australia. Many are subjected to cruel experiments and are almost always killed afterward. These primates

Research Articles rebutting animal experimentation and demonstrating non-animal methods

Surgical Training

In Australia, several surgical skills and trauma training courses for general surgeons and trauma surgeons exist and some of these courses involve the use of

Interview cover photo - Animal-Free Science Advocacy

Interview: Elizabeth Ahlston

The Australian Association for Humane Research Inc was founded in October 1979 by Ms. Elizabeth Ahlston. Read this interview to learn about her advocacy journey


Forced to Smoke

What is Animal-Free Science Advocacy doing to end forced smoking? Exposing smoke inhalation experimentation in Australia. Educating the public at community forums and events. Advertising

For researchers and students

Student Choice Policy

Student choice policies provide all students with the chance to enjoy science and express their enthusiasm for biology and other science subjects, whatever their ethical

For Media

Baboons lose in their bid for freedom

As media stories circulate about three baboons escaped from a medical research facility in Sydney, concerns are raised about the horrific life these animals endure.

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