Animal-Free Science Advocacy Launches “Honour Me With A Name” Campaign

In a major step towards compassionate science, Australian non-profit Animal-Free Science Advocacy (AFSA) today on World Day for Animals in Laboratories unveils its “Honour Me With A Name” campaign, dedicated to ending primate experiments in Australia. 

This initiative not only shines a light on the ethical implications of using primates in Australian research, but also introduces a unique opportunity for both individuals and corporations to contribute to a future where scientific breakthroughs and kindness to animals go hand in hand.

Macaques, marmosets, baboons and night monkeys are bred in Australia’s three primate breeding colonies for biomedical research in research fields including neurology, HIV and diabetes, often funded by the Australian government funding body, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

Over decades, hundreds of primates from these facilities have been used in studies, with a significant public outcry against this practice: 109,581 signatures were collected in 2022 for a petition to ban primate experimentation, subsequently tabled in the Australian Senate. The campaign website features the stories of a collection of these individual primates who were unwilling participants in medical research in Australia.

Sponsorship Tiers for Individuals and Corporates

The ‘Honour Me With A Name’ campaign features three consumer primate sponsorship packages – Gold, Silver, and Bronze, starting from $250. Each package is a once-only purchase and features a personalised certificate, Maurice the Monkey plush toy and a social media shout-out.

The Silver package offers a thank you on the campaign webpage and high-quality personalised poster with one’s sponsored primate. Gold sponsorship includes a behind-the-scenes tours of the Banana Cabana primate sanctuary in Sydney and a campaign t-shirt. 

For businesses looking to make a substantial impact, the exclusive Diamond Sponsorship Package starts at $1,500. This includes a range of benefits including a company presentation about primate experimentation, a tour of Banana Cabana tour and the company sponsor’s logo and listing on the Animal-Free Science Advocacy website.

Join Us in Making a Difference for Primates

If financial contributions are beyond reach, we encourage supporters to assist in sharing the heart-breaking stories of the many primates used in biomedical research across Australia via social media, a vital tool in spreading our campaign’s message far and wide.

Supporters can also contact the NHMRC to protest public funding for primate research.

Animal-Free Science Advocacy is committed to a future in Australia where scientific innovation thrives without animal harm. Through the “Honour Me With A Name” campaign, we invite you to be part of a compassionate movement towards animal-free research in Australia.

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