Australian regulations - Statistics Australia

Statistics 2006 – Animal use in research and teaching, Australia

These statistics should be used for general purposes only. Qld, and NT figures have not yet been received, but going by an average of figures available from previous years (740,299 for QLD, N/A for NT), this would bring the total number of animals used to more than 7.6 million animals.

Figures will be updated as they become available.

Type of animals Vic NSW SA Tas Qld ACT WA NT Total
Mouse 351,284 207,374 37,378 2,668 n/a 134,236 580,550 n/a 1,313,490
Rat 40,916 33,421 8,393 1,491 n/a 3,520 68,048 n/a 155,789
Guinea Pig 7,837 2,532 571 n/a 122 1,982 n/a 13,044
Rabbit 2,931 5,718 793 19 n/a 98 802 n/a 10,361
Other Lab Animals 819 876 n/a 12 n/a 1707
Cat 345 271 175 n/a 15 1,282 n/a 2,088
Dog 1,811 1,300 192 n/a 2,649 n/a 5,952
Other Domestic 46 n/a n/a 46
Sheep 82,941 85,625 116,158 12,607 n/a 75 57,511 n/a 354,917
Cattle 13,845 16,156 809 1,341 n/a 3,484 n/a 35,635
Pig 55,375 8,545 20,098 n/a 18 6,503 n/a 90,539
Horse/Donkey 886 1,628 63 37 n/a 4,210 n/a 6,824
Other Stock Animals 817 389 414 n/a 4,013 n/a 5,633
Native Mammals 8,413 24,371 12,017 1,274 n/a 554 19,323 n/a 65,952
Exotic ‘feral’ Animals 90 3,469 4,370 5 n/a 3,522 n/a 11,456
Primates 128 122 n/a 33 n/a 283
Domestic Fowl 60,500 1,026,472 7,102 n/a 1,877 805,689 n/a 1,901,640
Other Birds 70,786 42,198 14,811 11,029 n/a 1,186 19,084 n/a 159,094
Reptiles 6,812 30,777 8,297 1,351 n/a 367 17,295 n/a 64,899
Fish 401,973 1,471,025 144,098 62,131 n/a 177 560,183 n/a 2,639,587
Amphibians 5,029 722 2,400 n/a 2,045 n/a 10,196
Other Aquatic Animals 881 1,552 5,297 n/a 24,868 n/a 32,598
Other 11,022 241 n/a 27 n/a 11,290
TOTAL 1,125,487 2,961,634 378,889 101,650 n/a 144,317 2,181,043 n/a 6,893,020

NSW: includes all aquatic animals

ACT figures are from ANU and CSIRO only.

n/a – Yet to be received

Purpose of project Vic NSW SA Tas Qld ACT WA NT Total
Understanding human or animal biology 281,819 285,306 156,424 38,127 n/a n/a n/a 761,676
Maintenance and improvement of human or animal health and welfare 246,544 342,898 29,417 15,736 n/a n/a n/a 634,595
Improvement of animal management or production 336,917 146,961 27,797 15,435 n/a n/a n/a 527,110
Production of biological products 94,725 n/a n/a n/a 94,725
Diagnostic procedures 1,948 n/a n/a n/a 1,948
Achievement of educational objectives 19,651 804,164 130,505 9,600 n/a n/a 42,869 n/a 1,006,789
Environmental study 240,556 1,166,634 34,746 22,752 n/a n/a n/a 1,464,688
Regulatory product testing 40,332 n/a n/a n/a 40,332
Unspecified 78,666 n/a 144,317 2,138,174 n/a 2,361,157
TOTAL 1,125,487 2,961,634 378,889 101,650 n/a 144,317 2,181,043 n/a 6,893,020

n/a – Yet to be received

WA: did not provide a breakdown of purpose of project

ACT: did not provide a breakdown of purpose of project

ANU: Many of the native species were used in field studies

Severity of procedure Vic NSW SA Tas Qld ACT WA NT Total
Observational studies involving minor interference 445,974 597,305 185,973 18,018 n/a n/a n/a 1,247,270
Animal unconscious without recovery 145,160 931,537 29,056 15,959 n/a n/a n/a 1,121,712
Minor conscious intervention 331,789 540,884 148,481 46,120 n/a n/a n/a 1,067,274
Minor operative procedures with recovery 44,433 20,622 2,197 2,327 n/a n/a n/a 69,579
Surgery with recovery 39,724 9,109 2,506 1,518 n/a n/a n/a 52,857
Minor physiological challenge 51,620 800,066 4,365 12,746 n/a n/a n/a 868,797
Major physiological challenge 66,427 14,700 6,311 4,962 n/a n/a n/a 92,400
Death as an end point 360 41,427 n/a n/a n/a 41,787
Production of genetically modified animals 5,984 n/a n/a n/a 5,984
Unspecified n/a 144,317 2,181,043 n/a 2,325,360
TOTAL 1,125,487 2,961,634 378,889 101,650 n/a 144,317 2,181,043 n/a 6,893,020

n/a – Yet to be received

WA did not provide a breakdown of severity of procedure

ACT did not provide a breakdown of severity of procedure

ANU: Many of the native species were used in field studies



Summary of Statistics of Animal Experimentation, Victoria. Report Number 24. 1 January, 2006 to 31 December, 2006.


Animal Research Review Panel NSW Annual Report 2006/07.


Department of Environment and Heritage, Teaching and Research using animals in South Australia, 2006.


Animal Research statistics Tasmania Annual Report, Report Number 11:1, January 2006 to December 2006.


Statistics for 2005-2008 are not publicly available. Personal correspondence from Senior Project Officer (Animal Ethics), Animal Biosecurity and Welfare, Biosecurity Queensland, 2 September 2010.


On an annual basis, no ACT-wide statistics are compiled. Correspondence from Animal Welfare Policy, AWAC Secretariet, 6 February 2014.

Personal correspondence from Executive Officer – Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee, Australian National University, 7 October 2010.

Personal correspondence from Manager, Public Affairs and Communication – CSIRO Livestock Industries, 28 October 2010.


Use/Supply of animals for scientific purposes (research and teaching). Annual statistical return for the calendar year 2006, Dept. of Local Government and Regional Development, WA.


Statistics are not yet available. No indication given of when (or if) they will be available. Phone conversation with NT Government 26 June 2014.


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