A woman closely holds her cat

Achievements – 2018

Have a read through some of our achievements we’ve made during 2018.

Public Opinion Poll

Our Public Opinion Poll, conducted by Nexus Research, was a follow up to our previous polls conducted in 2013 and 2008.

What did the new poll reveal?

  • More people (71% of respondents) are now aware that animal experiments occur in Australia – an increase from 57% in our 2013 survey.
  • However, only 37% are aware that monkeys are used.
  • 70% oppose the use of dogs in research and 63% oppose the use of monkeys.
  • Only 45% believe that animals are necessary for the development of human medicine. This has declined from 50% in 2013 and 59% in 2008.
  • Only 23% believe that humans have the moral right to experiment on animals, while 60% do not believe humans have the right and 17% are uncertain..

Big Afternoon Tea – introduction to the victims of research

Big Afternoon Tea – introduction to the victims of research
In contrast to the popular “Biggest Morning Tea”- donations from which can fund animal experiments – HRA’s Big Afternoon raises funds to help our work in opposing animal experiments. This year our guest speakers were from the Australian Rat Fancier’s Society and they provided our members and supporters with the opportunity to get up close and personal with the little victims we advocate for – ex-lab rats.

Smoking Mice Experiments

Further to previous exposes on this research, we unveiled ongoing experiments by Newcastle University which exposed mice, constrained in chambers, to cigarette smoke. The experiments were looking at the effects of smoking on Crohn’s disease and also looked at the effects on later generations of mice. Our interviews prompted a public response from the university attempting to justify their actions

Brain lesions in baby monkeys

Brain lesions in baby monkeys

Another case study revealed yet more brain experiments on marmosets by researchers at Monash University. This one involved inducing brain lesions in baby monkeys to study eye-hand coordination

HCL Train ads – Sydney

HCL Train

Humane Charities List received some welcome attention in Sydney when it was advertised in Sydney trains. We have also added extra charities for the list – Mercy ShipsBeat Bullying With Confidence and Life’s Little Treasures Foundation – all confirming that donations to them do NOT fund animal experiments.

Pre-election promise by SA Agriculture

South Australia
Following a meeting and correspondence with SA Minister David Spiers, the Minister made a pre-election promise to establish a research scholarship to fund university research into discovering alternatives to animal testing. This will be an annual research scholarship to the value of $25,000. We look forward to seeing this pledge come to fruition.

Creation of an interactive map providing a snapshot of research conducted in Australia

HRA’s case studies demonstrate that the experiments that occur behind lab doors are not some exaggerated claims from yesteryear. They are happening right here and now.
An interactive map has been created showing locations of animal research around Australia. The list is not exhaustive, but is a snapshot and illustrates that cruel animal experiments might be happening right on your doorstep.


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