A huge thank you for your generosity. We have smashed our target of $9K and reached $10.6K over the course of one week with thanks to Ethical Jobs

Thank you for helping HRA to reach our target in our most recent campaign!

Thank you to all of you generous and kind people who donate to our recent Ethical Jobs Matched Funding campaign. 

This campaign highlighted the cruel Forced Swim Test and Forced smoking research in Australian institutions and ran from 14th -21st September. A big thank you as well to  Ethicaljobs.com.au who doubled your contribution up to the value of $9,000 AUD.  

Donations have now closed for the campaign, but you can see how the campaign went via this link. We smashed the $9,000 target and reached $10,631. So put your paws, claws, fins and hands together for that effort. HRA are hugely grateful to you, a heartfelt and warm thank you!  

An end to Australian animal experimentation is long overdue!

For decades, Humane Research Australia have been a strong voice for animals and superior animal-free science.

We take a stand for animals and for superior animal-free science.

Shockingly, some research institutions in Australia still use the immensely cruel and obsolete Forced Swim Test. Unbelievably, researchers continue to subject mice to cigarette smoke exposure.

We are dedicated to ending animal experimentation through a variety of means including:

  • Exposing animal experimentation in Australia
  • Educating the public at community forums and events
  • Advertising and public awareness campaigns
  • Influencing policy-makers, regulators and politicians
  • Producing scientific reports and educational resources
  • Partnering with Australian companies that use animal-free methods

These cruel tests are now obsolete

They have little benefit to human health, there now better and cruelty-free ways to do research. 

Times are changing - a win is in sight!

Join Your Paws, Claws, Fins and Hands Together For Animals in Australian Labs!  

We want to make this coming year the biggest in HRA’s history as we strive to bring an end to cruel and unnecessary tests like the forced swim test and forcing mice to smoke.

We need as much support as possible from you to pull it off. Help us during 14th to 21st of September to maximise your impact! 

On behalf of the millions of animals used in Australian research, a huge and heartfelt thank you for your kindness, courage and generosity. 


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